July 11th Photos!

12 07 2010

Thanks to Pat for the photos! Also check out the “photo” page, I’ve made a little slide show that I’ll continually add onto. I also put up the boating for the cure pics from a few weekends ago, thanks Stevie-D. If you want to make the photos bigger (for aged eyes) just click!




3 responses

13 07 2010

Lose something?? Uh ya! Lost 6 games in a row! OUCH! Going to vb clinic this week….need to improve my net violations, scoops, and lifts! 🙂

13 07 2010
Pat "Precious"

Hey I hear there’s a special clinic being held for sand diving! Okay girls – eveyone into the middle! Oh ya and let’s not forget – 3 hits people!!! 🙂

13 07 2010
janineee martini

Julie, maybe instead of ear candle waxing, we should be moving down to another part of the body. I think Stevie T was checking out his last wax job too.

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